Finally my trip I have always been wanting to go is here. I won't reveal where first but at least let me share on what I pack to ring over.

My toilettries which consist of my hair products and my body shampoo. I just love Body Shop fruity baths. I have most of all this range. Even my hair product smells fruity. So yummylicious.

My small luggage for cabin size and my handbag. I have place my makeup kits, book, wallet and some other stuffs which is a must for me to bring around. See my purplw shoes in the container? I am still contemplating if I should wear that over.
Let me share what makeup I bring for my travel. I know it is alot and I may not use all pf it and I am still contemplating if I should bring less but what can a girl like me not do.

My wonderful Urban Decay pallettes which I only bring the smallest. Pop makeup set for travelling but colors are limited. Loreal quads which has the popping summer colors (though taiwan is cool weather now but I love summer colors).

My pencil liners and brushes with blush. I personally sticked the blush there so that i do not need to bring the casibg which I felt it is bulky.

Underneath my brushes and eye liners is this colors. Beautiful isn't it? Lotsa colors but somehow I felt it is not enough. I am still thinking weather to bring this pallette or not.

Miscellaneous items or should I say unfit/irregular shape items are in this bag. Mascaras, eye primer, eyebrow gel, sharperner, eyelash curler, etc..

Ahh... My lipsticks. Various colors. I am still contemplating if I should bring this bunch or not. Dang... Travelling is not coming easy for me ever since I have these bunch of makeup items. Haha...

This BB cream work wonders for me as a moisturiser and also a makeup foundation. I hate using thick foundation else I would feel "heavy" on my face and I feel my face can't breathe.
At first I thought of bringing this perfume since it is small and light and it is already half bottle but then I saw my mini collections lying in the container. Now I am thinking if I should bring these since its not causing me more weight.

Haha... Gosh.. Anyways these are the sneak peaks of what I may pack with me.. Let me show you later on the final product by tomorrow night to see what I have finally decided to pack.