Free salted popcorn (popular in Australia and Singapore) if order 3 jugs of beer.
Yummy... Never ever wondered that salted popcorn has indeed quite a favourable taste. Of course with the happy hours and all, smokers are smokers and they can never quit until something happens to them. So anyways, here is the evidence of smoking too many in a night.
And of course with all the smokings and laughing, we all get to dig into a little bit of snack. Fried chicken wings. And guess what? It is also saltish.. What is with Singaporeans and salt? Isn't the island is already surrounded with sea water and they are all very health concious? Salted pocorn! Salted chicken wings! What else are salted? Hmm.. thank god my dinner was not saltish, though the sausages were a little saltish but it is satisfactory indeed.. *wink*
So if anybody loves a good chill out, Cosy bar is quite nice. Alot of "ang mor"s around to "wash" your eyes (not that there were any that came to my interest.. haha!).