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Coach tag ... See how clear the leather marking (dots)... This is what macro is all about, clarity.
My ring.. haha.. looks so big here but in actual fact it is not that big lor..
My i-pod shuffle... look how small it is on my notebook...
(Under expose but I want to show the macro POV)
This the baby that keeps me company during my journeys & jogs... yay...
Lights on the notebook.... awesome...
Toucan from the show. Very smart Toucan.
I love the show at 3pm. It is called Birds and Buddies Show at Pools Amphitheatre. The birds are very smart. Well trained. The trainers are always rewarding the birds after they did their tasks. At the end of the show, I got a gift from the parrots. The trainer did warned us not to leave our mouth open while we are look up. Haha... Lucky I got a little of it. I pity the guy sitting behind me that he got most of the shit. Hehe... Sorry, no pictures taken of my gift.
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