Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas celebration
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Imagine all the people
As for myself, all I was thinking at the moment was "I want it to be weekend now..." Yeap! All I could think off was off days. It is the only thing that I am looking for besides moving into my new home with Hubby. We work and work and work an imagine most of our time is working. As for some people, weekends are their luxury (like me if office doesn't disturb mr at all) and some people weekends are work day. Sometimes I wonder why human just have to set such standards an rules and now everyone have to suffer. Yes, it is good to have something to do or else we will get bored.
Anyways, all I can say is that it is good to have a goal in life and achieve it. If you do not like something just leave it and get something that makesnyou happy cause only you can make yourself happy..,
Haha.. Talking about happy asvertisemt on tv is "be happy...." Coincidence? Blessing in disguise by God. Well, whatever it is... Smile.... Smiling will change your mood instantly.
(ps: this program frm mobile is not so good cause cannot upload picture to blog.. Hmm.. Time to find a better program.)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Missing Dad
I miss dad and hopes that he knows that I misses him alot.
And those out there who are angry with their dad, please don't be mad with your dad cause I never had a chance to have a daughter-father talk and get angry with my dad. Appreciate your daddy... You are always his little girl.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddygwen and Mummygwen
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Nuffnang Earnings
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Going for a Honeymoon
Now, honeymoon will be cruising along Straits of Malacca.
Once I am back, I will upload all pictures about my wedding. Hihi... Too lazy to post them up during my break. Need to arrange them and editing them takes time.
But if you want to view it without any sequence, can go over to hubby's flickr:
See you all once I am back.... Cheerio...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
22-09-09: Still Feeling Sad
I am still feeling the blues about my families and friends back in their home. I miss them so much already. It is 6am now and I am awake. I cannot sleep cause I am having the headache. Don't worry, I think my headache is normal. It comes and goes like a my menstrual cycle. Haha...
Hope today is a good day for me to do some chores and clear up all other items before leaving for my post-honeymoon.
ps: I couldn't blog during my wedding day cause no internet access. If yes, I have to pay for the service. Hmm... Jr Suite or not I still have to pay for internet.. I thought it is free..???!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
21-09-2009: After Effect
Seeing my husband (now feeling awkward with the word cause it was fiance the night before) beside me is a sight where I want to see everyday. Seeing him asleep makes me subtle and calm. I love watching him sleep (even when he drools... *Sorry darling for sayong out the ugly side of you, muah*). The feeling as a newly wed bride is good. We had a wonderful night (dinner).
*Will blog about the day, 20-09-2009*
The After effect:
Well... Monday, 21-09-09 is where the after feeling comes in. Families and friends gathered in Singapore to share the joy of our union. We had breakfast with my new family. I met up with my mom, my brother Jason & SIL (when he was about to leave), Janet, Chung Yew, Shui Fook and KY Tan this morning before they left. I wanted to meet them for the last time, before the next time we will meet (which probably would be CNY next year).
After having breakfast with my new family, we bid farewell. My eldest SIL goes back to KL, my 2nd SIL goes to Kuching then back to USA, my 3rd SIL goes back to Australia and my FIL-MIL and youngest SIL goes back to Kuching. My brother & SIL goes back to KL, mom went back to Melaka. Other friends who came from Kuching and KL, all went home. Aunt Maureen came from KL but flew to Hong Kong directly from Changi. I went back to the suite and met up with June before she headed back to KL. We chatted and had lunch together, complementary from the hotel. However we were disappointed cause my cod-fish was rubbery and June's steak was too well done instead of med-well done. Anyways, it was complemetary, but the wedding reception buffet was delightful cause many positive remarks on the food.
After bidding June farewell, I headed back to the suite and did the last minute checking/packing before checking out. The bill came... hahaha.. never in my life have I ever received a 5-figure bill. Muahaha... the irony of hosting a wedding reception.
Anyways, we took the cab back to my current place and started unpacking. As I was unpacking, a surge of sadness went through me and I started shedding tears. Tears were rolling down my cheek because I miss my friends and families (his and mine). I kept on sobbing on-and-off. Heart was heavy. Seeing families and friends gathered in Singapore was a happy moment but seeing everyone leaving is a sad moment. Sad to see them leave... I never felt this sad before seeing all leaving. Usually I don't easily shed tears when bidding off someone farewell/best of luck to somewhere else. But I guess when there is a meaning behind the meet, then it is hard to bid someone farewell.
This is what I am feeling today, 21-09-2009. I was just talking to my eldest brother and I felt sad too. He is so far away (in KL, though it is just a flight away). Having his presence was good cause he represents my dad (who is with the Lord). And there is Aaron here in Singapore. Lucky he is here, then at least I won't feel very sad. But I do feel sad to see my SIL and Gwen leaving back to KL too but I guess I will make plans to go back and see them as often as I can. I even message June and told her how I feel. As I am typing this blog, I feel sad. I want to sob. Lucky darling is here to console me that feeling sad is good cause it means that I love these people and they meant so much to me. Yes I do love them and if can I want to be with them all the time but they have their own family and love ones to attend too.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Relaxation Friday
Nevertheless, I am on a mission today or during the weekend. I reckon it will be a busy weekend for me as all my friends, relatives and family will be coming over to celebrate our matrimony on Sunday, 20-09-2009.
My plan for the day will be ..... purely relaxation. No office calls to entertain throughout my whole entire leave. I hope all goes according to plan.
I have done, actually mostly is my darling who coordinates it, what is needed. Only last minute checking/cross-check items. Hopefully I get to upload some pictures to share.
Cheerio.. till the next update.
PS: I hope I can blog during my preparation.. muahaha..
Monday, September 7, 2009
Decision Has Been Made: Pink-White Bouquet

A Day Out of the Island/Singapore
The properties in Singapore are not cheap. Just a normal HDB flat is about SGD250-350k. Hmm... so if you need a roof, make sure both partners are working or else, single earner cannot survive. Those who are not married usually stays with their parents. Unlike in Malaysia, single earner does still exists. With SGD350k, you can get a nice double storey/semi-detached home in Malaysia.
Anyways, my brother suggested going to Johor for the weekend. And yes we did go over. My bro, Jenn and myself. Darling didn't join because he doesn't like hot weather. If he sweats, he will be in bad mood and will spoil my shopping mood. So he decided to stay back in Singapore and had his karaoke sessions with the guys.
The first thing we did was to head out for a place to eat. Yummy... Brother took us to Wong Kok and when we saw the price, we were telling ourselves how fortunate we are for working in Singapore and spending in Malaysia. For dinner, we had Kim Gary. We did shopping too. I manage to dye my hair with cut and treatment. I bought darling 1 shirt and 3 pairs of socks. Jenn bought her blouses. She is very satisfied with the buys. Bro got what he wanted. For those who did not join us also got what they wanted. Haha. People used to say that it is not safe for us to cross over the checkpoint in Johor for the old custom. Yes, that is true. But ever since with the new custom checkpoint in Johor, it is pretty safe. After the immigration, you just need to walk till we reach City Square.

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Our wedding planning journey
April 2009
He suddenly just wanted to get married. Propose? Haha, he did that long time ago back in year 2007. Very sweet memory. However, the ring was kinda small but still it meant alot to me.
But this time, he upgraded the ring and got me a bigger one just in time for Korea.
We went for wedding band hunting. Saw a few but nothing captured my heart till I saw an extraordinary design pair in Lee Hwa, Plaza Singapura. Even he likes it very much. It was a diamond affair for us. Ironically, his diamond is much better grade than mine but a little smaller in size. But who cares about the size cause there is no difference if you look at it side-by-side.
Decision on where to have the dinner? Not sure, but we decided to have the ROM (registration) here in Singapore. We feel it is much classy. Then I manage to coax him to do the dinner here. Look at the bright side, we can minimise the amount of people we want to invite but only invite the close ones.
May 2009
We went to Korea at the beginning of May for a week and it was our normal yearly trip. Last year was Hong Kong and Macao.
After we got back, we went for our photoshooting. It was quite an experience. The photographers are his colleagues. He joined the photography club, so he had his colleagues to shoot it. Imagine this, the main photographer is a Manager. I am very fortunate to have a manager to be our photographer. He has the talent. You should see all his photos in flickr.
To those who wants him as their photographer, do let me know. I can pass you his contact. Trust me, he is very talented. He understands the subject very well before he does the shoots. He knows the subject's best image.
Did I mention, the wedding shoes that we purchased, was a last minute thinggy before the shoot. Haha, we forgotten all about it. We had to dash to Vivocity to get a pair before the shoot. Bloody cow... I have never spent a shoe >SGD60 in Singapore at all. Ok, the Adidas sneaker is different. I meant court-shoes, strappy heels, flats, etc.. the girly kinds. I have never gone beyond SGD60 cause to me, it is not worth it to spend so much on a shoe where I know after a few months, it will be worn off. Who knows, just for the wedding, I actually spent SGD120 on the sandals... and I paid for it myself. Chinese have this taboo that the husband/bf cannot buy shoes for the partner or else the partner will walk away from him/her. What a pain-in-the-arse! I cursed the shoe for being so expensive.
June 2009
We went hotel hunting. We had this idea of pool-side dinner. We got options like Shangri-la but we were not happy with the locations they gave us. Then we attended the wedding event by styleswedding magazine which I registered us. At first he was just tagging with me with no intentions of what-so-ever. The food was amazing because it was from Swissotel, The Stamford. 5-star buffet is awsome. Plus, I paid for the registration. So have to eat worth the money.
Part of the event is the hotel's decoration display. We ended up with a few options: a) Alligator Pear, Fairmont, b) Equinox, Swissotel. Actually it was 2 options cause the rest we ignored it. Both places have meaning to us. Alligator Pear was our 2008 Valentines' dinner affair. Equinox was his 2008 birthday affair. We ended up with Alligator Pear because it was a pool-side.
At the same time, he was busy with the photo fixing. He ordered our first album. Nice... simple yet nice. Then we ordered a smaller booklets for family. Even better. I love it. Small and handy.
On the other hand, I was busy browsing through the internet for wedding gowns. I hate to rent. I hate to tie to the boutiques here cause they are so blardy expensive. So I opted for internet purchasing and went for the risk. Many advised me that I might get cheated. Well, I told them, let me purchase something cheaper/lower price. If I get cheated, then it is my fate not to get a gown online but to rent it.
Date? Well, at the beginning we wanted 9-September. Why 9-Sep? Because the date is easy to remember.. 09-09-09... but it was so unfortunate that the hotels are fully booked. Shangri-la, Fairmont... So we changed to 20-September. Why 20-Sep? Haha... 20-09-2009. Nice or not? I just love these date.
For Shangri-la, it was never meant to be because 09-09-09 has no place for us, and 20-09-2009 do not have the room/place we wanted. For Fairmont, 09-09-09 was not available at all. So left 20-09-2009. There.... it was just meant for us to be at Alligator Pear... A memory for us cause, as I have mentioned, we had our 2008 Valentines' dinner there.
July 2009
Invitation cards were ordered. Once receiving it, we began writing. Actually, it was me who wrote it. Haha... Hand became cramp. The pen nip was spoilt due to overloaded/overworked writings I did. About 120 invitation cards.
This is the month where I ordered my gowns online. Dinner gown and wedding gown. Spent about SGD500 for everything, including alteration.
a) Wedding gown
b) Dinner gown
c) Can-can
d) Veil
e) 2 bags
These gowns are unfortunately not the gown that is in the album. Those gowns in the album are the ones that we rented for SGD500 just for the shoot. I can say that it is cheap because if we tied to a normal package of a bridal boutique, it will costs us at least SGD2k. "At least" is the key word. Gosh.. but the gowns that I ordered are even nicer. Haha... but never mind, this means I can have another album to make with the new gowns. *all smiles*
Also, we went to check out the Beach hotel that we will be placing our guests at.
August 2009
Made an appointment with Jenny, the manager for Alligator Pear that we liase with. Saw how the arrangements of the tables. At least with the rough idea on how the table arrangements will be, then it is much easier to plan.
Did arrange the guest lists to allocate them on seating arrangement. I can say this is VERY difficult. There are hidden rules in how we place them on the seating arrangements.
Hidden rules:-
a) Who knows who
b) Who should seat at the main table
c) How are they related
d) Who cannot seat on the same table with X-person
e) Cannot part the partners they bring along ==> Obviously not a hidden one. Haha!!
f) Who can click with who
g) Managers must seat with other Managers
f) Where are they from
g) etc...
Flower bouquet hunting is also not easy. Have to search online for many days. I like this type, but he doesn't. He likes that type, but I don't. Hmm... kinda hard to decide cause all the bouquets are pretty and beautiful. However, we wanted simple and elegant bouquets. We decided on a few...
Choice #1:
Choice #2:
So the decision will depends on how the hotel does the decorations. Well, we are not so particular in themes cause we want to spend the minimum amount we can. Being in Singapore, it is not cheap at all. But with 5-star hotel at the cost we estimated, it is quite reasonable. Please... we are not converting it to RM and compare. Then it defeat the purpose of us decided to have the dinner here.
We had to decide on the songs too. I can tell you that it is hard to choose songs for the wedding. I love Christian wedding songs. I just love the serenading melody in it. Oh yea, we also search for a band. We had a few options... a) 2 guitarist who can sing all sorts of languages/songs, b) pianist, violinist, singer, c) saxophonist, singer.... I tell you, option (a) is kinda expensive cause it charges but the time but base on our timing it won't exceed SGD1k. Option (b), bloody cow.. this is damn expensive. About SGD2k. Hmm.. can scrap this option. Option (c) is the best cause it is cheap and KY likes saxophonist. Unfortunately, he is booked on the same day of our dinner. Aww.. so we had to go for option (a). Nevertheless, these 2 guys are talented too.
September 2009
Hmm... definitely will do my hair, my nails, my eyebrows. Nope, no facial spa for me. I do not believe in keeping my skin just for my wedding day. Keeping my skin at best is a daily affair.
Tips to those bride-to-be who stumbles upon my blog... Golden rule.. Just have fun coordinating and planning the wedding cause quarrels and misunderstandings will definitely arise. You will definitely show "black face" to each other but then again, don't let this stop you from getting married and love your partner for the rest of your life.
What else have I missed? Well, this is for now. I will update more in future.
Gosh.. time in nearing...
Photos and other tips will be later.... C ya..
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Preview of the Album
I hope it is not disappointing to preview it.
I actually printed out copies but for family only.
This preview is not complete. It is just part of the whole album.
The gowns shown in the album are not the ones that I purchased. Hihi.. sorry..
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Junk Food

Sunday, June 7, 2009
More of Korea

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Korea Part 2 : Jeju Island + Nami Island + Daegu

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Korea : Day 1 (Everland & Jeju Island)
Anyways, here are the updates of Korea trip...
On the first day, we went to Everland and Jeju Island. Everland is a theme park which houses 2 roller coasters. One of it is the famous wooden roller coaster. It is pretty scary. I did not dare to ride it, and more over the queue was very long. To take any rides in Everland, it will be at least an hour queue. We were told that it was a public holiday for Korea that celebrates family day, and its a 2-day public holidays. How lucky they are.. Unlike Singapore, we do not hear such holiday at all.