Sunday, February 22, 2009
OCBC Cycle Singapore 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Something To Treasure
Friday, February 20, 2009
Migraine.. Beat Them or Join Them
- abdominal pain
- nausea or vomiting
- throbbing headache
- specific location of pain
- sensitivity to light and sound
- associated "aura"
- relief with sleep (headaches that awaken children, or early morning
- family history of migraines
I am having migraine now. It is a throbbing pain on my right eye ball. Everytime I hear loud sounds or uncomfortable sounds, I feel the throbbing pain. Even the slightest sound of footsteps make me wanna bang my head to the wall. And light.... the bright light really is not helping, and that is why I need to darkened the room. At least this is what the doctor advised and what I remember when daddy had his migraine when I was young. I guess I got it from dad. I remember mom had to make sure the whole room is pitch dark and we were not allowed to play in the house.
I just hope the migraine go away soon so that I can enjoy life as usual.
Doctor's advise...
- Sleep in dark room with cooling temperature
- Avoid coffee/tea/chocolate with caffeinne
- Fried/Oily food
- Sleep as much as possible
- Over-stress? Destress yourself
Monday, February 16, 2009
Google's Fiona Needs... Interesting
So, I typed Fiona needs... and here are what appeared...
1) Fiona needs to eat
--> Haha.. this is a definite. I need to eat to live... If I don't eat, how am I suppose to enjoy life?!
2) According to Fiona: Need a new liver
--> Err... I did not tell anyone that he/she needs a liver...
3) Fiona needs insperation
--> I think the word is inspiration... but somehow the person spelt with letter-e. Yea.. I do needs inspiration. I need it all the time.
4) Fiona needs a home
--> Yes.. I do need one. I want to have a dream home.. seeing my kids running around inquisitively and having a tree-house as a play-pan.
5) Fiona needs loving
--> All the time baby.. all the time.. Who doesn't need love?
6) Fiona needs a foster home
--> No I don't. I have a wonderful family already. I love them very much.
Thank you to mummygwen to tag me.. hugs..
Sunday, February 15, 2009
2009 Valentine Surprise

Friday, February 13, 2009
Another Award.. Yay

SIL#1 Michelle.. pls have these eventho SIL#2 gave it to you too.. hehe... I hope this cheers you up with your sudden water news...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Yay.. I Have Been Awarded

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Another Year Had Passed.... What Is Next?
Last year's Valentines' that he got for me.. haha.. I just wonder what is in-store for me this year...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
A Sad Event
As 3rd Feb went by, I found out that many colleagues that I know and whom I have worked with closely are all chosen to be retrenced. I felt very mood-off to work or do any report but at the same time there was an issue during CNY week that caused 7-wafers to be scrapped under my department. Whole day was just compiling report for my department and also multi tasking for the 7-wafers scrapped report. At the same time, I was being updated by another colleague who was being retrenched. When I saw the names, I felt... "Why them? Don't they have high technical knowledge?"... many questions but all are unanswered as these are the decision of the management. No one knows how the management thinks.
Well, I can see sadness on colleagues from other departments. They are so low moraled by the event. Seeing my colleague's desk all cleaned up really made me feel sad. I had to embrace a smiley face to be positive and not totally affected by the event. I guess we are all affected by the economic crisis, be it direct or indirect. Be positive even if a negative event happen. It happens for a reason. I thank God that I have family and friends are all very concerned about me. I thank them all.
Today is 4th Feb and it seems that there were still others being retrenched. Well, life still goes on. Total 600 people were retrenched from my company to cope with the down-turn of the economic crisis. I do wish them good luck in their coming adventure. Be happy always my friends...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Back To Reality After a Long CNY Holidays
Currently, this is the picture that is on my desktop. Everytime when I look at this picture, I will recall the happy times I had with my darling at Jurong Birdpark. The rich colors of the coat reminds me how rich my life is, in good times or bad times. I am happy eventhough I am facing a bad turmoil but hey, everyone has to go on with life. For me, to be happy in life is to take everything positively. Take the worse as a positive gesture then it is easier to make life go on smoothly. Well, it is easier said than done... yea... I know... but honestly, if you start to take things positively of your current situation, it is much easier to live your life even in bad times. All I can say is that just live life to the fullest and be happy. Try not to be sad all the time because it will make things worse. Anyways, I wanna wish all of you out there all the best in everything while facing the economic crisis. Be happy and smile always as smiling helps produces out endorphines and this helps you to see things positively.