Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Mascots for Beijing 2008 Olympics
The Peak & Madamme Tussaud's
Rolls Royce. I manage to get a snap of it. There are people who lives up on the peak and I can tell you that they are the rich Hong Kong folks. Rolls Royce is already not a cheap car and a very high-end car. Only royalties use them. If a businessman in Hong Kong can own one, means he is extremely rich.
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt, my favourite people. When I went close up to Angelina & Brad, the was job is very good. Flawless. Every detail is there. Tattoo, wrinkle lines... everything.
Naomi Campbell, not my favourite but she is chosen to be waxes up.
Cecelia Cheung, at certain angle, she is really looking at you. So you need to be at a good position to take the snap shot and it is as though she is looking directly at your camera.
Ronaldhinho fans.. I think that is how his name in spelled. There is a video on how they actually waxed him. The real person has to stand in the same position as the wax model, then measurement is taken. Cool...
Michael Jackson, the all time favourites...
The night view of Hong Kong Island. Across the sea is the mainland of Kowloon...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Disneyland, Hong Kong
The gifts sold in the gift-shop. This is the first thing that I pondered after the entrance. It's so full of colours and cartoon like. I am so tempted to buy many things cause they are cute. Females are suckers to cute stuffs and when they see one, they must get it. No wonder females never save money and they always get broke by the end of the month. Cause we are suckers to fashion & cute items. But I did not buy everything but just the Marie the Cat hand-gloves & the ear hair-clip. Well, it makes me have the playful spirit and bring the child out in me for the day.
Cinderella. Isn't she beautiful? Well, I have seen a prettier Cinderella than her. The only thing that makes her pretty is because she is ang-moh and that she has nice features and with thick makeup. I bet without the makeup, she looks just as normal as me. Ngiak ngiak...
Enchanted Castle. This is the castle that suppose to house Cinderella but then it is just the best castle to have it as a theme-park in Disneyland.
Little Mermaid, Ariel & Sebastian. I love this movie alot that I watched it more than 20 times and cried as many as everytime I watched this movie. How pathethic can I be but well, I am a female who loves romantic movies eventhough it is just a animation.
Toy Story. The green men are the toy soldiers. I really find this creative. Toy soldiers... I wish I could keep one of them as a soveniour.
Night view of the Enchanted Castle. I am standing at this location to view the night fireworks. Too bad I did not take any pictures cause I just wanted to enjoy the fireworks display. It has a naration of stories & the fireworks comes with a timing. It is nice but I just find it normal only.
The fountain at the entrance of Disneyland. This is the night view. Minnie Mouse with a ball. Haha...
Ocean Park, Hong Kong
The bus type in Hong Kong. There are double-deckers but I did not capture it. So basically, Hong Kong is like Singapore. Very hard to get lost in Hong Kong. Just find the nearest MTR and you are heading home already.
Ocean Park entrance is not as what I expected but oklar. Not that I am a fan of amusement parks or any playground area.
The sign on the right of this picture is a seahorse apparently. Bigger image is below. All these are taken from the cable car. It's scary to sit in a cable car cause the carriage is just held by the hook above my head... Imagine if that gave way, I will be tumbling down the hill just like Jill, and it will be bloody. Well, at least that was what lingering on my mind while I was in the cable. So I was reading stuffs out loud to make myself not think of the worst but make the best out of it. Shit, scary.
I wanted to sit the hot-air balloon but the ride was closed for maintenance. Too bad. I bet the view of Hong Kong Island will be much better from air.
Sleepy sea-lion. At first, I thought it was a fake mammal. I thought it was the bronze statue of a sea-lion. As I was admiring it, it suddenly moved and gave me a scare. Scared me out of my wits.
The beginning of Hong Kong
New First Ferry embarking at Kowloon, Hong Kong. One of the ferry services which can be taken from Macao to Hong Kong. The journey took me around 1 hour. Well, I have to warn those who has weak stomach, best not to eat while you are on the ferry or else you will puke everything out and I actually witnessed a lady who ate McDonald's for breakfast in the ferry actually puke it all out because of the bouncy journey.
The bamboo sticks are not unusual in Hong Kong. It is all over the buzzling city of Hong Kong, whether it is to repair the signage or to setup a new one. Really a good kung-fu. Imagine if he falls to the road? First he will get broken bones, then he will get rammed by fast moving vehicles. Yes... he is above a buzzling road where vehicles are moving fast, the most is 60 miles/hour. It is amazing to see this in person. I only saw it a few times in movies and I thought it's just a movie and never happen in real life. Haha.. I thought wrong.
The famous mango dessert in Hong Kong. Hui Lau Shan is at every corner of Hong Kong, so you will never miss it at all. I took it every single day. Of course different kinds but basically all are actually mangoes but with different additional ingredients or different presentation.
Macao City
The stadium of Macao is another zoomed shot I took. Yeap, with a very good camera and lens. The stadium is not that big but then again, it is considered big for a place like Macao.
Macao International Airport. The departure hall. Yea, you can see Bally brand. Everywhere I go is just desinger labels. Unfortunately I cannot afford Bally.
The sweet desserts of Macao. The desserts are more to Portugal culture but it is yummy. HKD 15-25 each. The names are labels in purple boxes. The desserts are nice. The sweet rice has a unique texture. It is sticky (like pulut) but then it is not that sweet, very unlike from the name given to the dessert.
View of Macao city from my suite. It is beautiful. The camera lens is good, but I am just a beginner and I still have alot to learn. The right side of the contruction site is actually an upcoming casino. Yeah... Macao is full of casinos.
Another view of Macao city from my suite. This is actually the city of Macao, part of it.
The view of the church from the suite where I visited during the tour. It is very english-like. Well, Macao was populated with Portugals during the invasion. With the invasion, Macao is influenced with Portugal culture.
Macao's roundabout. It is as big as Kuching's roundabout but at least this roundabout is much groomed.
To all those who wants to commit suicide... please try the bungee jump then you can decide if you want to commit suicide.
The church yard where I visited in the tour. Isn't it beautiful? I just love Macao. It somehow gave me the homely feeling eventhough the place is full of casinos.
Macao's milk tea from the famous "kopitiam". This shop also sells the pork-chop bao but I did not eat it cause I am pork-free person.
Macao commercial centre. Feels like Bunga Raya street in Melaka, or Padungan road in Kuching. It is so clean. The atmosphere is nice cause of the cool air which does not make you feel dirty or sweaty. You have to speak Cantonese in Macao cause of the locals speaks Cantonese and very little speaks Portugal (Portugal descendents).
I am tasting the local-made ice cream during winter and it feels good. The ice-cream is nice. The texture is smooth. It cost me HKD5 (SGD0.90, exchange rate when I changed the money was SGD1:HKD5.37).
Behind me is the Macao Maritime Museum. Nothing much inside. It is not as informative as the Maritime Museum in Melaka but at least it is entertaining during the tour.
Steamboat eatery shop at one of the busy streets in Macao city. It is very nice to have steamboat during winter time. It is not a posh place but at least the steambot helps to warm the body from the cold night. It's very refreshing.
The gateway of St Paul's. The history is long but to cut short, the church was burned down twice. The final straw was to let the gate stays as it is. And somehow it became a tourist site.
Sonia explaning to us on the history of St Paul's gateway. Wah... I did not realise my hair colour looks real nice. Thanks to my hairstylist who is back in Kuching, gosh I miss my stylist.
Another commercial square for Macao, just below the pathway of St Paul's gateway. I tasted my 1st purtugese egg tart there.