The gifts sold in the gift-shop. This is the first thing that I pondered after the entrance. It's so full of colours and cartoon like. I am so tempted to buy many things cause they are cute. Females are suckers to cute stuffs and when they see one, they must get it. No wonder females never save money and they always get broke by the end of the month. Cause we are suckers to fashion & cute items. But I did not buy everything but just the Marie the Cat hand-gloves & the ear hair-clip. Well, it makes me have the playful spirit and bring the child out in me for the day.
Cinderella. Isn't she beautiful? Well, I have seen a prettier Cinderella than her. The only thing that makes her pretty is because she is ang-moh and that she has nice features and with thick makeup. I bet without the makeup, she looks just as normal as me. Ngiak ngiak...
Enchanted Castle. This is the castle that suppose to house Cinderella but then it is just the best castle to have it as a theme-park in Disneyland.
Little Mermaid, Ariel & Sebastian. I love this movie alot that I watched it more than 20 times and cried as many as everytime I watched this movie. How pathethic can I be but well, I am a female who loves romantic movies eventhough it is just a animation.
Toy Story. The green men are the toy soldiers. I really find this creative. Toy soldiers... I wish I could keep one of them as a soveniour.
Night view of the Enchanted Castle. I am standing at this location to view the night fireworks. Too bad I did not take any pictures cause I just wanted to enjoy the fireworks display. It has a naration of stories & the fireworks comes with a timing. It is nice but I just find it normal only.
The fountain at the entrance of Disneyland. This is the night view. Minnie Mouse with a ball. Haha...
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