This is what I did before the year ends...
Engineered these 3 gifts and wrapped it with personal touch.. haha.. Crafted is more like it. 3 ribbons color combination for 3 different special ladies. (PS: The wrappers; flower, ribbons & paperbag; costs more than the gift inside.. Haha.. but I am happy with what I made!)

Bought myself 2 pairs of everyday-wear shoes. 1 pair broke to half (sole part... darn, forgot to take a snap shot of it. I can bet you will be astonished with how the sole split to half and went disoriented from the original position and I manage to walk around with it from work to home!)

The blue pair is not so comfy but I like the simple design. My first blue flats. I am very particular with pumps cause I have sweaty feet and sweaty feet means "vacuum like" feeling in the shoes. I will get blisters. Amazingly, I did not get it with these pairs. The grey on is much more comfy. It comes with 2 colors, grey and beige. I wanted beige but it doesn't have my size, so I opt for the grey one.
Happy New Year to You And KY!! are creative lah. Very nice wrappings. Nicely done. :) have so many pairs of shoes!! Nice pumps. I like wearing pumps nowadays..hehe. The Aldo and Nine West heels are really stunning! It's expensive here.
P/S: Thanks for the comments, dear. :) Not planning for baby first lah..haha.