Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Today is Sunday, the first day of the week which is an off-day for normal working people like me. There wasn't anything left for me to do at home. Laundry was completed yesterday (except ironing.. shit.. I still need to do ironing.. haha)... but of course staying at home can be pretty bored after trying to kill my time by going online since morning till noon with no motives... tried to watch movie at home but everything has been watched >10x... so what else can I do?

So....... I spontaneously went to Orchard. I even told my brother Aaron that I dislike going to Orchard. Honestly, I do not really like to go Orchard because it is quite crowded. I prefer less crowded area but tell me where in SG is not crowded during the weekends? Even the family malls (malls in housing area) are also crowded... But nevertheless I reluctantly got myself dressed and grabbed the camera & wristlet out for the day....

Honestly, there isn't much to snap in Orchard. Nothing caught my attention to take a shot... But as I was walking to Dhoby Ghout Interchange MRT, I stumbled upon this uncle by the side of the walkway playing the chinese violin. Seriously, I have no idea whether to say he can play the violin or not because I cannot make any tune out of what he played and he even sang at the same time but I couldn't understand a single bit of what he sang (sounds to me he was murmuring only)... but heck cares, I just took a snapshot of him because he looks so talented playing the chinese violin for a person of an elderly age.

Yeap..... that was pretty much of what I saw in Orchard. I wanted to take the view of the busy streets in Orchard but from where I stand, not a very nice shot at all.... So, I just continue walking till I reached Plaza Singapura. Feeling famish & thirsty from the blazing heat, I ended up eating this at BRATWURST SHOP in basement#2......

(Purely cheese topping)

(Added chilli sauce & mustard sauce)

Cheese sausage with chilli beef sauce..... Yummy... Damage? SGD8.15 for a combo set, came with a drink and a small packet of Ruffles... err.... not worth the price to get a combo set but if it is just the sausage, it is reasonable....


  1. Yummy...looks so appetizing.*slurp slurp* I tot u on diet. :P

  2. i am on diet. only ate that the whole day. didnt even had breakfast. for dinner, i jst took 1 china pear n dat's it... now we are both on diet.. haha.. preparing to look good on pictures.. muahahaha

  3. Wow..impressive. U can eat so little and last so long. Me, I must have rice. Hope both of u achieve yr goals. ;)
